The 4-day workweek is gaining momentum. Could the US adopt it nationwide?

(I really believe that WorkingSmarter through techniques such as ChatGPT could reduce workload, enabling the worker to complete 40 hours of “work” in 32-36 hours. Even if one gave workers the option of working 4 – 8hr days and one 4 hour day, I think this idea could attract and retain employees, and increase overall moral. David)

ByMax Zahn

May 31, 2023, 11:09 PM

A pandemic-era reconsideration of the workplace has fueled change, experts said.

When Michael Arney, the founder of an eight-person marketing design agency in Minneapolis, Minnesota, learned an employee was leaving for a 50% raise at a larger company, he knew he had to make a change or it would happen again.

“I just couldn’t compete with the monetary offer,” said Arney, recounting the moment in January 2022 when he first considered a four-day, 32-hour workweek for his company Halftone Digital.

Within two months, the shorter hours took effect without a reduction in pay.

“I thought it was a pretty sweet deal,” Arney told ABC News. “Nobody has left since.”

Halftone Digital is among a growing roster of companies that use a four-day workweek, fueling a movement that has accelerated amid a pandemic-era reconsideration of the workplace, experts told ABC News.

(I really believe that WorkingSmarter through techniques such as ChatGPT could reduce workload, enabling the worker to complete 40 hours of “work” in 32-36 hours. Even if one gave workers the option of working 4 – 8hr days and one 4 hour day, I think this idea could attract and…

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